
Access to the PHENOME's facilities

PHENOME brings paying access to the 12-platforms to external users


Phenome will provide the French and international phenotyping communities with paying access to 9 highly instrumented platforms of the network. You can apply for access on-line via this website, only.


Before submitting any access application, a preliminary study is required. You are invited to contact the platform leader concerned in order to check:

  • Your project feasibility
  • Its eligibility (platform availability at wished periods) and
  • If needed, proceed to an adjustment of the experimental protocols

Access application

Please submit this on-line access request form

The project manager and the platform leader concerned will be automatically informed about your application submission.

Evaluation of your access application

The PHENOME Executive committee will assess the scientific admissibility of your project. It will be automatically granted if the requested experimentation:

  • makes part of a project already assessed and accepted by a European or a national scientific committee (i.e. projects carried out within the framework of EU, ERC, ANR or investments for the future projects)
  • is carried out within the framework of a bilateral project conducted by a private company member of the GIS BV.
  • is part of a PHENOME methodological project (MCP), carried out by a PHENOME node in order to technically improve its services. Such number of access has been limited to 20 % of the total operation time of the platform.
  • makes part of an internal program of ARVALIS and CETIOM nodes (in these platforms, the number of access has been limited to 50 % of the total operation time of the platform)

Except cases listed above, all the applications will be evaluated. The evaluation of the access application will be achieved in 30 days after the online application submission. It will be performed by International Scientific advisory board under the responsibility of the PHENOME executive committee.

The executive committee will decide of the technical and operational admissibility of the evaluated projects within a 60-day time frame following the access application. If your project is not admissible, you will be notified by email providing the reasons for the rejection.

Evaluation criteria

Access will be provided on the basis of the excellence and technical adequacy:

1) Excellence

See “evaluation of your access application” (in grey)

2) Platform adequacy

Adequacy of experiments belonging to projects already approved by a scientific national or international body should be discussed before the submission of the application. It will be fine-tuned with the platform (node) leader before its approval by the Executive Committee.

For other experiments, or for those deeply modified after project submission, their technical adequacy will be assessed by the Executive Committee after contacting the node leader(s).

The access to private groups (including the service provision ensured by public bodies to private companies) will depend on the platform technical adequacy regarding the planned experiments.

Experiments implementation

When your access application is approved, you will sign a contract with the node(s) implementing your experiment in order to define the conditions of the platform use and the rules of intellectual property to be applied to your experiment

See rules for carrying out the experiments and confidentiality (in French)

See also

Modification date: 07 October 2024 | Publication date: 01 August 2013 | By: Tania Rougier