UMR 759 – Laboratoire d'Ecophysiologie des Plantes sous Stress Environneentaux), Montpellier

LEPSE has an internationally recognised experience in high thoughput phenotyping, genetic analysis and modelling of plant development, growth and transpiration in response to environmental conditions. It has been one of the first groups to develop phenotyping platforms, from 2000 onwards, and the conceptual framework to use them in combination with modelling and with genetic analyses. Analyses are performed at organ, whole plant and canopy levels in essentially four species, maize, wheat, vine and Arabidopsis thaliana. Experiments are carried out in greenhouse or growth chambers, in the field in experimental units (Mauguio, Pech Rouge, St Martin de Hinx) and in networks of field experiments. It participates as coordinator or as WP leader in major EU projects (FP7 DROPS and SOLACE, H2020 EPPN 2020) and national projects (Amaizing). LEPSE is pioneer at French and international levels for Phenomics and for plant modelling in current and future environmental scenarios (FSPM and crop models)

Contribution to the project

LEPSE offers accesses in three installations (Phenodyn, Phenoarch, Phenopsis) via the M3P infrastructure. It participates to the development of imaging in controlled conditions, to the use of modelling for estimation of genotype-specific traits from phenotypic data and to the PHIS information system.