Clermont-Ferrand - Semi controlled

Node 3: Clermont-Ferrand semi-controlled field - Pheno3C

UMR INRA/UCA 1095 Genetics, Diversity, and Ecophysiology of cereals and INRA UE 1375 PHACC (Field Cereal Phenotyping)

The semi-controlled field platform Pheno3C (Clermont Ferrand) has an intermediate role between phenotyping in controlled condition and in the field. It can manipulate soil water availability and/or air CO2 concentration for analyzing the growth and yield as affected by climate change, in interaction with other biotic and abiotic constraints for hundreds of genotypes. The installation involves four repeated units equipped with large mobile rain-out shelters and irrigation system enabling to control soil water reserve. Two of the four units are equipped with Free-Air-Carbon-Enrichment (FACE) facilities to increase air CO2 concentrations without affecting other microclimatic conditions. A network of CO2 sensors allow following and correcting the heterogeneity of CO2 concentration. The network also involves sensors for micrometeorological conditions and soil water content.

Imaging is performed via the phenomobile of Phenome Emphasis that allows precise measurement of the vertical distribution of leaf area or ear number, together with multispectral measurements for functional imaging in a range of species with a throughput of 100-200 microplots per hour. It is equipped with a LiDAR, multispectral cameras and high resolution visible cameras, with active illumination that rend imaging independent of natural light. Data are stored in the PHIS information system.

Global view of the platforms showing the four units equipped with rain-out shelters and FACE. Detail of one unit equipped with  FACE (7 × 8 m) and CO2 map in the same unit (small blue dots are CO2 injectors, large blue dots are CO2 sensors) for a target concentration of 700 ppm.




See also

Facility Website (in French):