UR1164 - Unité de recherche en génomique et bioinformatique (URGI), Versailles

INRA URGI is a bioinformatics laboratory dedicated to plant and crops parasites genomics and phenomic to genomic relation. The URGI research activity studies, through “omics” data integration, genome dynamics from functional and evolutionary perspectives. The URGI hosts a major international bioinformatics platform in plant sciences. It has been recognized as an IBISA platform and considered by INRA as “Strategic Platform” (label CNOC from INRA). URGI develops and maintains a modular and interoperable Information System for plant and pest genetic and genomic called GnpIS (http://urgi.versailles.inra.fr/gnpis). It is designed to bridge genetic and genomic data, allowing researchers to cross genetic information (i.e.QTL, markers, SNPs, germplasms, genotypes, phenotypes) with genomic data (i.e.physical maps, genome annotation, expression data) for species of agronomic interest. The phenotype and environment interaction is a strategic thematic in GnpIS. 
GnpIS is also the official repository for  International Wheat Genome Sequencing Consortium (IWGSC) data.

Contribution to the project

URGi co-leads the MCP2 methodological projects responsible for providing a consistent distributed information system for the PHENOME project. This includes data standardisation and consistency through ontologies, information system for experiment management, integrative portal and an archiving system.