Centre technique interprofessionnel des oléagineux et du chanvre - Terres Inovia

Terre Inovia, created in 1957, aims at increasing competitiveness of oilseed crops via research, development and agricultural extension programs. After a fusion with UNIP technique, CETIOM became TERRES INOVIA in June 2015. It has a wide expertise in field trials and a tradition of close collaboration with basic research laboratories, especially with INRA.

Communication, training and extension are major activities of Terres Inovia through technical publications, field meetings, and a web site. Terres Inovia was certified ISO9001 for all its activities in July 2000. It leads a network of 10 field stations carrying out 600 field trials per year. Half of its field experimental activity is devoted to variety evaluation under different environments and cropping techniques. Terres Inovia has promoted several techniques and methods to evaluate genotypes susceptibility to pathogens and pests.

In the recent years Terres Inovia has contributed to several ANR Genoplante projects like COLIBRI, GENERGY, AVIRLEP and had been the coordinator of ANR ARCOLE on oilseed rape nitrogen nutrition.

Contribution to the project

Develop field platforms of Dijon (as platform leader) and Toulouse (as a partner) to sustain experimentations for association genetic approaches on oil crops.