The large research unit (LRU) Agroecology, besides its known expertise in high throughput phenotyping in a variety of environmental scenarios of plant and microorganisms interactions, with a focus on root systems gathers expertise on i) ecology of communities and durability of agricultural systems; ii) genetics and environmental determinisms of plant adaptation to innovative cropping systems; iii) mechanisms and management of plant-microorganism interactions; iv) environmental microbiology and sanitary risks. It conducts several transverse programmes: as for an example, “favourable plant-microorganism interactions for legume plants in order to maintain production under inputs reductions”. Agroecology hosts two platforms (4PMI and Genosol) and technical supports (in particular legumes biological resources); with privileged relations with the experimental Field Unit of “Domaine of Epoisses” and the Campus platform (Microscopy center, Genotyping and sequencing Service Center). In total the LRU ”Agroecology” gatherq 230 permanent agents (INRA, uB, AgroSup, CNRS). The Terres Inovia field platform will be managed with the INRA experimental unit UE115.

Phenotyping activities conducted in greenhouse at plant levels involve grain legumes, weeds, maize, wheat, vine and rape. Agroecology coordinates or participates as WP leader to EU projects (FP7 LEGATO and ABSTRESS, H2020 EUCLEG, SOLACE and EPPN 2020) and national projects (NRA GRASP and MIRGA, FUI EAUPTIC). 4PMI is pioneer concerning high throughput phenotyping of root systems.

Contribution to the project

Agroecology offers access to 4PMI in a upgraded controlled-condition platform. 4PMI develops innovative methods and equipment to phenotype the growth and architecture of root systems, in relation with environmental conditions and plant micro organisms.

See also