UMR1248 - Agroecologies - Innovation - Ruralities (AGIR)

The joint research unit AGIR gathers a wide range of about 40 researchers in biotechnical sciences, from agronomy to ecophysiology through ecology and statistics, and social and human sciences allowing them to address all the stakes of sustainable agriculture. The VASCO group of AGIR and LIPM-GGT (Laboratoire Interactions Plantes Micro-Organismes-Génétique Génomique du tournesol) have a joint research on the analysis and dynamic modelling of G x E x Management interactions on sunflower. VASCO conducts additional research on the use of legumes and cereals intercrops to promote the use of agroecological principles in agricultural production. The main environmental cues taken into account are water and nitrogen deficits as well as diseases. The teams have experience in plant ecophysiology, plant pathology and agronomy, both in greenhouse and in field trials as well as in genetic sciences.

Contribution to the project

Upgrade a field platform and use high throughput phenotyping methods adapted to field conditions to qualify morpho-physiological traits and plant-disease interactions, in order to parameterise crop models with genotypic parameters.