The Research Institute of Horticulture and Seeds - IRHS

The Research Institute of Horticulture and Seeds

RIHS research is focused on quality and health of horticultural crops and seeds. It is organized in three different working groups:

  • Architecture and flowering of Roses and Other Ornamentals,
  • Quality and Health of Fruits and Vegetables
  • Seeds, Stress and Pathogens

One of the IRHS objectives is to understand the mechanisms of transmission of seed-borne pathogens to and by the seed as well as the adaptative mechanisms enabling these pathogens to survive on seeds and on the host plant. It is focused on the study of the phylogeny and evolution of bacteria associated with plants. An ambitious metagenomics project has been initiated to understand the structure, dynamics, and evolution of seed borne bacterial communities (pathogens and non-pathogens) in order to improve strategies against disease development.

Contribution to the project

IRHS holds the “Phenotic” installation, dedicated to the study of seed and plant morphology, architecture and biotic stress.
