Ouzouer Semi-controlled

Node 4: Ouzouer Le marché, Semi-controlled conditions, Phénofield

ARVALIS Institut du végétal

The semi-controlled field platform Phenofield (120Km south of Paris) has an intermediate role between phenotyping in controlled condition and in the field, with its precise control of rainfall. It is located in a large production zone for bread wheat, durum wheat, maize, canola and sunflower. The climate, the deep soils and the access of irrigation allow high yield potentials, but with a risk of high temperatures. The platform also allows analysis of other constraints and interactions with drought, high temperature, nitrogen deficiency and fungal pressure.

Phenofield is equipped with eight experimental units with rain shelters and irrigation systems. Each experimental unit corresponds to 40 or 80 micro-plots (10 or 5 m²) depending on experiment (in total, 320 to 640 microplots over the platform). Non-sheltered plots are used to increase the number of studied genotypes and/or environnemental conditions with different methods. Maps of soil depth, soil texture and soil structure were carried out in the whole installation. A sensor network characterizes micrometeorological conditions and soil water content every hour.

Imaging is performed via sensors located on gantries over each experimental unit, and allows precise measurement of the vertical distribution of leaf area or ear number, together with multispectral measurements for functional imaging in a range of species. Each gantry is equipped with a LiDAR,  high resolution visible cameras and spectro-radiometers. Imaging with UAVs involves multiple images in the visible and near infrared spectra for measurements such as canopy height and indices such as NDVI. It also involves imaging of transpiration via thermal imaging.  




Ouzouer 2 fr

Phénofield(© Arvalis -Institut du végétal): vue des portiques équipés des systèmes d'imagerie et des abris antipluie