Dijon Controlled

Node 2: Dijon Controlled - 4PMI

UMR 1347 Agroécologie, BP86510, 17 rue Sully, 21035 Dijon Cedex

Dijon Controlled (4PMI) studies the plant/plant and plant/microorganism interactions in the rhizosphere, with innovative devices for visualizing the root system of plants in situ as well as the interactions between plants and telluric microorganisms. The plants can be characterized in mono specific or in association. 4PMI is equipped for CO2 enrichment and with CO2 and climatic sensors (temperature, VPD, light). Watering systems can manage different solutions for varying plant nutrient status. Data are stored in the PHIS information system.

The installation is devoted to automated phenotyping of the root systems and shoots of plants with contrasting sizes. These installations are equipped with cameras allowing top or side images (for shoot 3D reconstruction) in various wavelengths (visible, near red). A cabin (RhizoCab HT) is dedicated to the image of root systems in rhizotrons at a 42 microns resolution. Another cabin (RhizoCab HR) provides images of root systems with very high resolution (7 microns), but with manual displacement of plants. Data are stored in the PHIS secured information system.

4PMI includes 700 m² of building, 250 m² of greenhouses (4 units) and 1 climatic chamber of 40 m². It also comprises 110m2 of greenhouses for the production of plants pre or post phenotyping, adjoining technical rooms: laboratories, a room for cleaning material, germination chambers, remote management office, potting room.

Sans titre-2

Contacts: Christophe Salon (tel +33 380 693 238 / + 33 633 918 150)