
PHENOME International

PHENOME has a strategic position at crossroad of several international initiatives: EMPHASIS (ESFRI), EMPHASIS-Prep; EMPHASIS – France and EPPN2020


EMPHASIS: the “European Infrastructure for multi-scale Plant Phenomics and Simulation for food security in a changing climate” was submitted to ESFRI (The European Strategy Forum for Research Infrastructures) by the German and French Research Ministries supported by UK and Belgium governments.

EMPHASIS was included on the ESFRI roadmap in 2016. Its activities are focused on high‐resolution and high throughput phenotyping i) in controlled environments, ii) in highly‐equipped fields with phenotyping devices; iii) in network of field experiments in distributed sites; iv) in modelling and v) in the development of an e-infrastructure.

EMPHASIS-FR is the French node of EMPHASIS. All the Phenome nodes are included. The integration of new installations is ongoing: Plant Microbe Phenotyping/Heliaphen in Toulouse, Phenotics in Angers and the BIAM /CEA CADARACHE. EMPHASIS-FR, have been included in the 2016 French Roadmap, too

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EMPHASIS-PREP, is the preparatory phase of EMPHASIS founded by the European Commission. Its Coordinator is U. Schurr (Germany). This preparatory phase will pave technical and legal basis of EMPHASIS to become a EU infrastructure and to establish the mapping of the EU landscape. INRA is the e-infrastructure WP leader 


EPPN2020 is a 10 M€ H2020 EU project ((« Infrastructure I3 for advanced communities ») coordinated by F. Tardieu. EPPN2020 started on Mai 2017 and will end in Mai 2021. As requested by the EC, this project is focused on  high throughput phenotyping installations in controlled environments. Several INRA Units involved in PHENOME and EMPHASIS-France are involved in EPPN2020, too: LEPSE (Montpellier), Agroecologie (Dijon), BFP (Bordeaux), IRHS (Angers), MISTEA (Montpellier), GDEC (Clermont-Ferrand).

Other international phenotyping networks

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IPPN: International Plant Phenotyping Network

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UK plant Phenomics network

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DPPN:Deutsches Pflanzen Phänotypisierungsnetzwerk