Montpellier - Controlled

Node 1: Montpellier - Controlled - M3P

UMR 759 - LEPSE Laboratory of Plant Ecophysiology under Environmental Stresses

Montpellier Controlled (M3P) characterizes plant growth and transpiration at high throughput (500 – 2400 plants) of several species under controlled or semi-controlled climatic scenarios, with a particular focus on soil water deficit and high temperatures. It includes three installations equipped with tens of distributed climatic sensors that account for spatial gradients. Watering systems can manage different solutions for varying plant nutrient status. Data are stored in the PHIS information system.

PHENODYN allows temporal analyses of growth rate and transpiration of hundreds of plants with a time definition of a few minutes, synchronously with changes in atmospheric conditions and soil water status. It imposes drought scenarios in greenhouse (420 plants) or in growth chamber (60 plants).

PHENOARCH analyses large plant collection (2400 plants). It is composed of conveyor belts and of three 3-D image acquisition cabin with views from different angles (13 usually, 37 for wheat). Plant architecture, leaf area, plant volume/biomass and transpiration rate are estimated with a 24h definition (6 for transpiration). Estimates of light interception, stomatal conductance and radiation use efficiency are then calculated on virtual canopies based on 3D plants for simulation of genotypes in hundreds of climates.

PHENOPSIS analyses large plant collection in fully controlled conditions, with manipulation of CO2. Three growth chambers, equipped with an automaton for plant imaging, weighing and irrigation, can hold up to 3 x 500 pots simultaneously for small plants such as Arabidopsis thaliana, for detached leaves or for several species at young stages. The imaging system includes two cameras for top and side views, a fluorescence camera and an infra-red camera.

Sans titre-1

Imaging in Phenopsis, continuous measurement of leaf growth and transpiration in Phenodyn, measurement of soil water status and transpiration in PhenoArch, reconstruction of a virtual canopy in PhenoArch based on individual 3D images of plants

Contacts: INRA - LEPSE

Bertrand Muller

Claude Welcker