Nantes Omic

Node 9: Nantes Omic, Phenics

Research Unit UR1268 Biopolymers Interactions Assemblies (BIA)

Phenics evaluates the quality of plant raw materials, especially seeds. The installation has developed approaches and tools for screening the internal seed structure (multispectral imaging) as well as chemiotyping the major constituents of seeds (starch, cell wall polysaccharides, fibers, α-galactosides, proteins). Throughputs are 300 genotypes per day for structural phenotyping and 1000 genotypes per year for chemotyping.

A high-throughput facility allows the screening of plant organs based on multispectral imaging (structural phenotyping) and biochemical analyses of biopolymers (chemical phenotyping / chemotyping). It is specialized in the mapping of grain constituents and in the composition and the structure of biopolymers such as starch, proteins and cell-wall polysaccharides. Structural phenotyping, based on multispectral imaging, is currently applied to seeds, such as wheat, barley, maize, pea and rice.

Chemical analysis is applied to various plant derived-samples such as fruits, vegetables, legumes, algae, leaves, grains, seeds, stems. Phenochem is also a component of the BIBS platform at INRA of Nantes

Equipment involves Multispectral imaging device (UV, Visible et Infrared) MUWI®, Near infrared imaging (1000 – 2500 nm) (Burgermetrics®, Specim®*), Wheat seeds phenotyper robot, Two extractors for chemical screening: ASE 350 (Thermo), Robot SwingXL (Chemspeed) for chemical derivatizations, Gaz Chromatographies with mass spectrometry (TRACE GC ULTRA and TRACE GC-ISQ, Thermo), Liquid Chromatographies UHPLC (High Performance Liquid Chromatography coupled with fluorescence detector and Evaporative light scattering detector (ACQUITY UPLC H-Class, Waters)) & HPAEC (High Performance Anion Exchange Chromatography (ICS3000-PAD, Thermo)


- Structural phenotyping:  Benoît JAILLAIS (Tel : +33 (0)2 40 67 50 85 / +33 (0)2 51 78 55 54)

- Chemical phenotyping: Sophie Le Gall (Tel : +33 (0)2 40 67 50 98)

The automated pipe-line dedicated to sample preparations: two extractors and a chemical platform (ASE350, Thermo; SwingXL, Chemspeed technologies).

Facilities for compositional and structural analyses of biopolymers (Chromatographic systems (TRACE-GC-ULTRA, Thermo; HPAEC-PAD, Thermo) and mass spectrometry).