UMR 1334 – Genetic Improvement and Adaptation of Mediterranean and Tropical Plants (AGAP)

The INRA AGAP unit gathers expertise on genetics, especially concerning the analysis of génotype x environment interaction with the use of sensors for non-invasive characterisation of plant growth and reproductive developments (e.g.hyperspectral cameras). This research activity is developed in a close relationship with the experimental unit (UE) DIASCOPE. Based on this collaboration, financial supports from INRA and FEDER have allowed initiate the development of an instrumented experimental platform. Recently AGAP have contributed to UE and ANR projects on Maize (Drops, Diversité Zea), Wheat (ProtNblé, Phenoblé), to FUI projects (as partner or coordinator) involving private companies and French SME like Innov'herba (Forage crops) and Garicc (Wheat). In addition AGAP scientists coordinate a work package of a 2nd flagship programme of Agropolis Fondation called ArCad.

Contribution to the project

Upgrade and extend a phenotyping field platform devoted to drought/high temperature study. Develop new non-invasive tools, particularly in the hyper-spectral domain, that will be transferred afterwards to the other PHENOME nodes

See also

AGAP Website